mishi_mia_mommy is now mishi_mia_mansi

Read Time:1 Minute, 37 Second Announces renowned digital creator and Lifestyle Influencer Mansi Kapoor April 18: In a recent announcement in the digital world Renowned Digital Creator and Lifestyle Influencer Mansi Kapoor has changed her social media handles from mishi_mia_mommy to mishi_mia_mansi. A commerce graduate, she knows how to balance […]

Aurum Labs Enabling National Brands Achieve Inevitable Success in Online Education Business

Read Time:2 Minute, 31 Second April 18: Deli-NCR-based startup Aurum Labs empowers national brands and growing educational institutions with quality products that are quintessential for running a successful online learning business. Aurum Labs aims to build experiences that give learners a sense of trust and confidence, and help institutions to create a […]

Vita Adarsh Institute of Technology at VITA Sangali hosts Manav Guru event to enlighten 1200 plus people by Connecting with Universal Energy to get whatever they want in life

Read Time:2 Minute, 19 Second Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], April 18: Renowned Philanthropist and Samaritan – Chandrashekhar Guruji, also known as ‘Manav Guru’ (Founder of C G Parivar) was recently hosted by Vita Adarsh Institute of Technology at VITA Sangali which was organised by Mr. Vaibhav Dada Patil (Ex-Nagar Adhayaksh & […]